Since late 2013, I've been making "Affiliate" agreements to fund Toys Are Tools. This means that if you use one of my links to do your shopping then I will likely receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. (Thanks to all of you who shop through them- especially those of you who are buying stuff I've never reviewed like diapers, groceries, etc.... you are soooo sweet!)
I don't make random ties with just any e-store. I know there are giant stores out there that may give you bargains and I may have links for that too but when it is not a giant then know that I chose this store because of they meet all or almost all of my criteria:
- This is a store that I (and my testers) shop at (yes, with real money, not just review units)
- They are offering things that you can't get elsewhere or you can't get elsewhere for that price- yes, large online retailers can totally overprice things too.
- Their selection is limited to having only awesome products and so you save TIME. (seriously, we should all time ourselves when we shop for bargains)
- The e-store is also the manufacturer of the product or are very tight with the manufacturer and so you'll always get the most updated items from them. (that's really important! you can't touch what you buy online, right? SKUs may not change if the item is only slightly updated) On large e-retailers, sometimes they show the wrong picture of a product too.
- There is usually some sort of minimum for free shipping or just plain free shipping or a good deal on shipping or they offer very frequent sales that make up for the shipping cost.
- Buying from them will get you better customer service before and after you make your purchase.
- Toys Are Tools will never know who made purchases after using our links- you have privacy.
- But since we will most likely not know WHAT you bought so if you bought something from our links and don't mind telling us, then please share!!! It's feedback that helps me know that I'm reviewing the right products for you.
Yes and No.
No, in the sense that I would never give a thumbs up on a product that isn't worthy. So please do not think that I love everything in my affiliate's stores.
Yes, in that, if they have good stuff then why wouldn't I be writing about it????
*Shopping Sensei Fern taught me how to shop the jungle.
Affiliate Partnerships Thus Far- I encourage bookmarking these links: They will always help me continue thoughtful toy reviews.
Amazon - because my people and I can shop while swinging from vines. I'm a very spoiled primate too. It eats a lot of my time but sometimes I can find gems for you here. |
Some of these stores listed may provide more commission to Toys Are Tools than Amazon and some provide less but I love them and hope you'll love them too:
Ark Therapeutic (Home of the Buzzy Pencil and other cool writing and mealtime tools) |
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LOCKLACES (Because I'm not tying another shoelace ever again) |

Other places where I'm testing out the waters, your comments are welcome at anytime: toysaretools at gmail dot com
If you are a retailer and you treat your customers well and happen to sell awesome things that help families then please write to me, toysaretools at gmail dot com