Improve skills in flexibility, moving objects with your mind's eye, and good ol' fashioned arithmetic photo courtesy: Techno Source |
WHAT: Tetris Link (NOT a video game- for real)
DOES: capitalize
on your strengths as you improve any of the following skills: being
flexible, mentally moving objects before moving them in real life, and
math skills
Lose and Win Gracefully, Social Scene Helper (if you are great at this
game and like teaching), Think Like a Scientist/Engineer (for thinking
Why the spotlight on Tetris Link?
Today it was announced as one of the five Mensa Select Award winners for 2012. I have another Mensa Select award that I just love and will be reviewing in the near future with the help of two experts- not just one which is what we usually aim for here ('cause it was a Mensa winner and I was intimidated.) Additionally, tomorrow's new review will feature a newly named Mensa Select award for 2012. It must be a Mensa week here.
So far, my experience with the
Mensa Select awardee games has been very positive. First, I don't see their gold sticker label pasted everywhere and that helps me because I get overwhelmed when there is too much on the menu. Quite honestly, I haven't seen the list of all their games but it might be safe to say that until yesterday, I only owned one recent awardee game and
we really love that one. But as of today, we own three and I have to say,
we really love all three! Soon we'll publish our next review of a game that
you will JUST LOVE and just happens to have been selected too. And we're going to be giving it away so that will be fun!
Until then, in case you missed it, here is the Tetris Link review. As I read it over, I can't believe I found this winner on Black Friday floating around in a lone Pennsylvannia toy store without a shelf for a home... probably because they had all been snatched away.......