Travel games can do more than keep your kids from getting bored. I think it can also be used as a exercise in something crazy - that is, the practice of BEING a family. Think about it, when do all of you get together, travel together, be only with each other, and have to compromise with each other all day long? Answer: your family vacation. The thing is, it also sounds like being in a classroom, doesn't it?
Classroom learning requires a good amount of "
shared attention skills" and so do family vacations. We must all share the attention to remain part of the group and that is one thing games do very well in its own lighthearted but still structured way. Playing games as a group can help a family just "BE" with each other. I'm not used to the group thing myself and I actually develop quite a bit of anxiety before going to any group function, even if it is just my own family that is traveling with me. Still, I do believe that games can ease tensions before, during, and after vacations. Try playing games before your next getaway. See what happens. Here are some suggestions. This review pays special attention to the little ones but still has fun games that cater to all ages.