Love to see my boxes come in but hubby does not |
I often struggle with this in my life especially now that I work from home. I see something online or in a store and immediately, I want it.
I want it because I can visualize my child playing with it and growing and learning as a result. It is a kind of dream that you have with anything that might be a "want" and not a basic necessity such as a new scarf, a new car, a new phone, or even a new vacuum cleaner.
Enter unhappy husband whose face crinkles as he sees yet another pile of cardboard boxes when he comes home. I think back to the old days when evidence of excessive shopping was seen by the number of large paper shopping bags from the mall. I could fold those and tuck them away.. Now, for us, it is all cardboard shipping boxes which is so much more in-your-face-obvious. However, I do try to explain that I make less trips to stores and so I should be saving some time and gas money (weak). But truth be told, I do make mistake purchases or purchases where I expect too much, even from toys.