
The readership of Toys are Tools can be best described as parents and professionals (teachers and therapists) who are actively engaged in finding toys and gadgets that demonstrate real potential in assisting educational, therapeutic, and developmental goals.

At the moment, our target ages range from 3-12 (preschool to Grade 6).  Our background stemming from our old site, naturally lends way for Toys are Tools to have a presence in the community of parents of children with special needs.  Many consumers from this community are aware of features that may assist with specific skill development and thus our outlook will be easily appreciated by this community. However, Toys are Tools is also very dedicated to families of typically developing children who we believe will greatly enjoy making toy purchases using our unique perspective.  Our six testers (boys and girls) represent the gifted, special needs, and typically-developing backgrounds.  Most live on the East Coast with the exception of one, who lives on the West Coast. 

Jenn is always bringing new readers to Toys Are Tools- Check out our stories at Quartz

Quartz Holiday Gift Guide: Playful Toys for Thoughtful Kids

Parents Are Buying All the Wrong Toys

Sesame Street is Using Cookie Monster to teach kids to become executives


Different Roads to Learning, and Raising Astoria  like us by clicking here.

Education Manager for School Specialty Inc., Cecelia Cruse writes about Toys are Tools in her blog: A Pediatric Perspective

If you seek a rate sheet, please contact us:

toysaretools at gmail dot com

Additionally, I'm happy to share with you that prior to establishing Toys are Tools, I have enjoyed many successful years as a communications specialist in the fields of health and medicine, higher education, children's advocacy, and the food service industry.   Moreover, I also have direct teaching and educational programming experience for children and adults of all ages.   With my extra special position as a mother to 2 very interesting children, I have exposure and access to thought leaders in child development (and their toolboxes).  Thus, Toys are Tools is well positioned to be a leader in communicating the latest trends in child development products and toys that will help children achieve all kinds of accomplishments. 

Many thanks for your interest,
Jenn Choi
Founder and Editor