WHAT: 2nd part coverage of World Maker Faire New York at the New York Hall of Science DOES:
First sentence of their program reads: World Maker Faire 2012 is a
showcase of creativity and cool technology that celebrates the maker
mindset. (And that is exactly what it is!) TOOLS:
Express Yourself- lots of chances to create, Family Fix-its - so much
education in conservation/sustainability, Think Like a
Scientist/Engineer- but of course, My Body Needs to Move, Inventor
Profiles (Meeting Makers is a huge part of the thrill) One More Maker Faire feature story coming soon....
The World Maker Faire ended yesterday and again I was blown away. So was Number 1 Son who literally couldn't make it to Day Two because he was exhausted. (If any of you know him personally, you'll know how shocking that is. Even DisneyWorld for 7 days straight did not exhaust No. 1 Son) Last year, this same child could not enjoy Day Two because he had heat exhaustion by early afternoon. This year, he didn't even make it to Day Two at all.
But I did! And I'm so glad because Day Two is all about going back to your favorite booths and discovering the stuff you missed on Day One. Here is some of what we experienced on Day Two:
She was dying to try out her hand at soldering and she did it! Radioshack staff was very helpful. This was totally free!
Making a tumbling tetrahedron at MoMath's exhibit.
I forgot what this was called but I'm told a smaller version will be available at the MoMath store that is due to open early November, before the museum officially opens in December. Hooray, I get to go shopping!!!!
Can't leave Maker Faire without having a chance to play with the latest version of Sifteos. I loved how their booth was filled with folks of all different ages.
littleBits is very cool. The circuit components all fit by magnets.
A young child figures out how to use the resistors. See that only three green lights are lit because of the resistor.
We never got it but my son did last year. I wish I knew how he did it. It was so packed, I couldn't watch the tutorial they gave.
This is called Molecules Synth. Isn't it gorgeous? This boy came to play it for just a minute but look how fabulous he did. I don't think he expected to make such great music and look at his Dad behind him. So proud!!!
We were on our way out but we had to stop to look at these peppers inside ManyLabs and WireGarden. Apparently, you can help grow plants with the help of sensors. It can also adjust the temperature for you. Does this mean you can buy yourself a green thumb? Maybe but I think I was told that this is all about science education.
It wasn't as easy as you think to make this but once he taught us how, it was a snap.
How fitting! My young Faire companion really knew how to celebrate being a maker.
Psst.. That's AnnMarie P.
Thomas (far right). She invented Squishy Circuits at
the University of St. Thomas with her students. Now she is the Executive Director of the
Maker Education Initiative. Check it out here.
I Want To by Laewoo Kang. I don't know what it is but it was in between super cute and a little scary.
is really neat. It can also print on golf balls, ping pong balls, and I
think the inventor said that you can do a pumpkin seed? Unbelievable!
but who would want this? The Egg-Bot costs somewhere between $195 - $220 but
you know what? I must have been standing there for just three minutes
when a woman came up and just asked, "where can I buy this?" It was being
sold in the Makershed.
Wish I saw but couldn't find or ran out of time......
Oh, but this couldn't be it, right? Nope, it surely is not! There is at least one more article headed your way and you won't want to miss it. It's going to appeal equally to boys and girls and will send parents' wallets screaming bloody murder but I guarantee it will make you ponder over possibilities.
the little bits toys looks really interesting. what age are they for?